A Mother’s Prayer

“Last night, I prayed on a falling star, that you never have a broken heart. Though the world is cold, just remember who you are! And I pray that you never have a rainy day and no matter what people say even when it hurts, it’ll be okay.”

“Those dreams you have I want you to chase them, chase them. This bond we got, let nobody break it.”

These lyrics are from songstress K. Michelle. They make me cry every time I hear them. They put things into perspective for me when it comes down to my children. I feel like I am always ripping and running and they are only seeing me in a snapshot. I feel guilty most times because I know they need me but I am so focused on school that I miss out on the things that brings them the smallest joy. Most days, my children rush home to complete homework but to play a board game with each other. I would love to join in on their fun and play with them. I need to slow down and enjoy them while they are still here in my house because they will grow up on me and I will be sad because I missed out on them growing up.

The song makes me think about the path that I want my children to follow. I know that they will have their own dreams in life and will follow what makes them happy. I just pray that whatever they choose to do with their life, they choose something that I will be proud of and they will give it their very best! I would love for my children to be Doctors, Lawyers, Nurses, Teachers etc… But if they are fine with working in a factory, driving a bus, being a hairdresser, working with the elderly…. Whatever it is that brings them the most joy, I want them to give it everything they have and live out their dreams!

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